

Testimony Camille DE MUYCK
06/04/2009 17:13
Messages: 56

Camille DE MUYCK

Tree climber

Free-lance tree climber in Sweden and Switzerland

After 4 years employed, at 29 years old, Camille DE MUYCK is entrepreneur in tree work. Her vocation and revelation for this job came at 16, thanks to a tree climber neighbour. Waiting to be major and integrating formation, she passed her A-level in economy and entered in an agricultural and gardening training path, which constitutes a prerequisite course to the certificate of specialisation in tree work, which she passed in 2004.

Interview by B. Michaux for SRAPI project, December 1st 2010

Attacher un fichier:

pdf SRAPI - Testimony and interview Lisa Mathurin.pdf Taille: 72.80 KB; Hits: 1180

Posté le : 14/04/2011 09:17
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